"Do You Really Love Me??"

Monday, January 18, 2010

Optimism is the Key ... right??

Recently, I've been feeling completely BLAH! No other word could describe it--this feeling of uselessness or not being able to completely do--let alone KNOW--what I need to do with my life. My idle mind has been filled with negativity: I've been single for four years; I don't have a stable job; I rarely see my old friends from college; everyone's engaged or married except me and so on. It's been really hard on me as I got sucked in the darkness of loneliness and depression. However, with a little help from my closest girls, I am slowly building up my positive energy.

Taking it one day at a time really helps. Focus on "today". The past is the past and can never be lived again, so no need to dwell on it. Don't worry about the future either for the future hasn't even happened yet! Focusing on "today" helps you gain perspective on yourself. ...I know, easier said than done, right? I try to remember this as I slowly, but surely, get out of the dark, deep pit that I've dug with my own problems.

Talking to your closest friends about how you feel and pouring your heart out to them helps A LOT. I confide my feelings with my best girl friend and she helps me see a glint of positive light. Even though we are now an ocean apart and half the globe away from each other, when I tell her how I feel via chatting services or email, her encouraging words feels like she just gave me a massive hug. Sometimes, however, when I log out and go back to my bed, I feel empty again. These are the times when I try to mentally recall our conversations and our time spent together way back when we were both still studying in the same school.

Encouragement from your best buds goes a LONG way. But I have to start looking at myself and telling myself the very same positive thoughts I share with my troubled friends. Easier said than done. Really. I really hope I can get out of this dark, negative cloud I'm under and really get out in the sunshine. Even right now, I'm having a hard time trying to keep this post on a more positive light. Something inside me is screaming, "how can I possibly be able to shed a positive light on this post when I don't even have my own personal sunshine?!" My mind is torn right now. Half of it remains in the dark and half of it wants to get out towards the light.


That is my new year's resolution. Cross out all the negative thoughts as soon as they come, otherwise, they will spread like wildfire.

I am now on a quiet, personal journey toward positivity. I hope I can make it out of this dark cloud of loneliness that always try to drag me back in...


  1. As they say, positivity begets positivity! You're right, its easier said than done but then again atleast youre onto something.

    True, take it as it is per day but take in mind that what you do today can affect you're future. This mindset does not have to add up to any pressures that you might have but rather it should serve as a motivation.

    What motivates you, is up to you? Know about mine in my blog!

  2. My mom always said "Life is too short to be miserable." I dismissed it for a long time and then one day I thought..."she is right....again!". You get one life, embrace it, live it and love it. Find what brings you joy and run with it. You like to write obviously so embrace that! Sometimes good things happen when we least expect it.....

    Gonna follow you now and hopefully watch you learn to embrace your life and the journey you are on! If you need anything...you can find me now!

  3. I know the feeling, I feel the same way. Stopping by from SITS.

  4. WOW, I am so glad I clicked on this one from SITS. Very inspiring. Just what I needed today. Gotta focus on one day at a time to kick the blahs!

  5. Thanks so much for all your comments. Each of your comments just made me smile. ^_^ You inspire me to move more steps closer to sunshine. ^_^


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