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Check out these new bloggy sites!!
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Anyway, we all know that chicken soup is great for us when we're sick with the cold or fever or flu. Did you know that chicken soup also releases "happy hormones" when you're depressed? Yep! One of my mom-students told me this fact. Interesting, isn't it? It has the same effect as eating chocolates when you feel sad, stressed, or way bummed out. ^_^ (mmm.. chocolates...the darker the better..)
Recently, the same mom-student told me that she will lend me her book. I was surprised to see what it was the next day... CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL!! We are all familiar with this series of books, right? Years ago, when I was in high school, I've collected and read Chicken Soup for the teenage soul (I and II), for the Pet Lover's Soul and for the College Soul. All of these books have made me feel better and showed me a glint of hope and encouragement that I badly needed that time.
Now... I'm reading 4th Serving of Chicken Soup for the Soul (the one my mom-student let me borrow) and the stories have (like before) moved me to tears, put a smile on my face and showed me positive light. I recommend this book to everyone! Not just those who need a "feel-good" book... but really the stories are heart-felt, touching and real. Most importantly, it reminds me that there are a lot of good, kind-hearted people out there in the world.
They have them for military wives too and it's really great!! Not as great as MY STORIES, but you know, good enough in a pinch...
may i borrow that book too? haha!